Tucked away on the vineyard-covered hills of Naramata, BC, you will find Pegasus Vineyards, where our team at Metal Structure Concepts was fortunate enough to return to — twice! Our first project with Bea and Ralph Suremann was a barn to shelter their horses on the farm. They were so pleased with our design and instalation that they called us back a few years later to erect an open roof for covered storage. We are very proud of our track record and pride ourselves on a job well done.

Our crew was fortunate to work in Naramata during the fall months to erect this steel farm storage building with mild temperatures and beautiful landscape — our only obstacle was within the vineyard. We had to navigate through the tightly woven rows of grapes to transport the material from our trucks to the building site. Our main priority is to not disturb 'business as usual' for our clients. That includes any damage that would come to the fruit. Pegasus Vineyards has proven how well pre-engineered steel buildings perform for wineries with versatility, custom designs, and longevity.