Over a two year period, MSC supplied and installed these seven custom buildings for the Thompson-Nicola Regional District and their prime contractors to be used as Eco-Depots in Louis Creek, Clearwater, Pritchard and Lower Nicola. MSC worked with the TNRD from the beginning of the design process through to completion on all four sites. Low maintenance costs, wide span design capabilities and durability of materials without sacrificing features or craftsmanship make steel buildings the ideal choice for any community or multi-purpose use building.

The TNRD projects were interesting projects for us” shares MCS’s owner Steve Ivanitz. “We typically don’t bid on open markets, but the project fit us perfectly. We successfully completed the first project and bid on the next one. We ended up working with three general contractors across seven steel buildings - something we hadn’t done before. And it all worked out great!”

The Thompson-Nicola Regional District Project showcased MSC’s ability to work with government agencies - following stringent process and procedures. The team was able to transition from one building site to another, eventually completing projects in four different locations. Over the two year span, Steve and crew also had to adapt to different general contractors, meaning that each project was like starting from scratch. 

Upon completion, MSC reflected back on the projects with a great sense of accomplishment. Although this was not something the team typically tackled, they collectively agree that it was an extraordinary experience for all.

If you're looking for custom steel buildings for your community, conact us today to learn wha options are available to you.