Robertson Manufacturing
Commercial Buildings
When Rick Robertson, the owner of Core boxes, called our team at MSC to erect their prefabricated steel building - we jumped at the opportunity! We were able to pour the concrete pad for this job site, with 20 skilled technicians on-site. The consistent workflow with the concrete being poured ahead of the building project aided in a smooth project. Robertson Manufacturing in Kamloops, British Columbia creates custom and high-quality products for the geology sector and mining companies. They are able to sell mining, construction, and drilling supplies to contractors. They have quickly developed into one of Western Canada’s largest suppliers of mining and construction supplies. We needed to work efficiently to get Rick and his crew on track to provide more supplies to this industry. Fortunately, we were able to complete this with an extremely happy client. Rick was so pleased with this project, it led him down the path of purchasing mini-storage buildings to be added to the same job site. We have said it before and we will continue to express our gratitude for building outstanding relationships with our customers. To be a leader in building prefabricated steel buildings in British Columbia is something to be proud of!