In November, we ventured inside the East Kootenays to Cranbrook, BC., where we built our first car wash — Mike's Car Wash. It may be a small building, but it does pack a punch with lots going on inside! In our opinion, pre-engineered steel buildings are perfect for your car wash. These buildings are low maintenance, highly customizable, and are versatile in design.

This steel building has a full interior liner package, which includes: sealed roof and walls, an all-steel mezzanine to support the car wash equipment, custom overhangs with soffit on all sides, custom bracing and wall girts for a cleaner interior finish, interior partition wall sheeted and sealed on both sides, rooftop units, and more! These options show the limitless design concepts you can apply to any pre-engineered steel building. Our crew was challenged with cold and windy weather during November. For that reason, we recommend building these types of commercial buildings in the summer months instead of starting the project in the fall and head into winter. We have more tips on how to plan a metal building project with the weather to ensure that your next project is built on-time and within budget.

Metal Structure Concepts have built five other steel buildings in Cranbrook over the past four years. Even though this is our first build in the Kootenay region in a while, we look forward to traveling back to provide exceptional service to that community.