
Why Pre-Engineered Buildings Work for Commercial Businesses of All Sizes

Why Pre-Engineered Buildings Work for Commercial Businesses of All Sizes

Pre-engineered buildings are an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes wanting to configure their own work environment.

No matter what size of business you run, finding the ideal space to work in is an important aspect of managing a successful operation. Whether they operate small-, medium- or large-size companies, many business owners have found just the right fit with pre-engineered buildings.

If your current setup is too small, you business processes—whether you’re in retail, service or production—might be hindered. Too large and you might be paying for space you don’t need, or your customers might find your business environment feels ‘empty,’ which could discourage sales.

Pre-engineered buildings can alleviate these problems by putting you in complete control of your building design. You’ll no longer have to:

  • Adapt an existing space to suit your needs
  • Deal with the hassle of repairing an aging building
  • Scramble to find inventory space

On the other hand, with prefabricated steel buildings, you will be able to:

  • Promote your brand and create a welcoming atmosphere
  • Choose from modern design features
  • Add energy-efficient qualities (i.e. insulation) to your design
  • Configure floor space for maximum productivity 

Small Businesses

One of the biggest dilemmas facing small businesses is deciding whether to lease a commercial building or buy (or build) their own. While renting a space might require less up-front capital, pre-engineered buildings are a good option for owners that are looking to invest a more equitable growth solution for their company.

Once it’s built, the structure will become an asset on your company’s balance sheet. And with a little extra forethought, you could also add extra commercial space to your design, which you could rent out to other businesses. Any extra revenue generated could be used to accelerate your mortgage payments and build equity.

Medium-sized Businesses

Medium-sized businesses that create their own pre-engineered buildings will experience the same benefits as smaller businesses, just on an expanded scale. Businesses of this type typically have a larger staff and require an efficient business management system to keep things running smoothly. They might have dedicated areas for the following:

  • Shipping & receiving
  • Inventory storage/warehouse
  • Point of sale
  • Office administration

Steel buildings can be designed to accommodate these unique needs all under one roof, creating the most effective commercial space possible.

Large Businesses

Whereas medium-size businesses might have everything in one facility, large businesses might require separate prefab metal buildings to manage their operations effectively. This could include anything from retail stores with multiple locations to production companies that manufacture in one building and tend to administrative duties in another.

For companies with large warehouses or production plants, pre-engineered metal buildings are an ideal choice because they provide clear open spans where work is unimpeded by interior support columns.

To give you an idea of the types of businesses that use prefab buildings, read our post: 6 Businesses Where Commerical Steel Buildings Are a Great Fit.

Do you need a custom-built facility for your commercial operation? Metal Structure Concepts specializes in pre-engineered buildings to suit a variety of applications. Call us to begin the planning process.